ENERGYSCOPE Week ahead May 31- June 7th

ENERGYSCOPE Week ahead May 31- June 7th

Themes: Self Development, Perseverance, Pause, Reflect, Renew.

Everyone may feel like they need to continue working on themselves this week, in the literal sense this could be something as pragmatic as working alone (if you usually work within a team you may find that you are all so singularly busy with your goals that you may need to remind yourself to check in with your team or community or other half) or alternatively it could speak to further deep reflection work internally.

Sometimes, we can get so focused on whats directly in front of us that we lost sight on the bigger picture, make sure to keep the original intentions in focus right now. Why did you start this venture/ project/ cause/ shift/ intention in the first place?

Love and relationships this week we got the Knight of Cups reversed, a  disposition fairly in alignment with the rest of the reading, if anything I would say intuitively what comes through and in conjunction with the card is the ability to review, ponder connection, of course with the retrograde now in full effect that makes TOTAL sense, just to pause and reflect before moving into action or bold statements right now. It feels like a lot of work is being done within self right now for everyone from this arrangement of cards. 

The cards advise this week to be sensible with spending, however what's lovely about all of this is that the central theme card was the Queen of Pentacles, so yes, you may need to be a little frugal this week or careful when it comes to large expenditures (with the rx in full effect I would recommend this anyway) but the overall outcome is major prosperity and abundance in an interpersonal sense. Whatever it is that you are working on internally and the new boundary systems you are putting in place, it is really paying off and the cards firmly illustrate that for the week ahead continued benefits to the personal development work you've been putting in. 

Do not forget to: Take breaks (it's going to get very busy pace this week) , Understand that your magic is within you and it is not up to anyone else to dictate to you who/what you should be, Please know that you are the magic always, just as you are. This week really entails a deep understanding of self acceptance, if you've lost some joy along the way it's time to take it back and authentically celebrate your true spirit returning. 

Much light, 


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